Now enjoy cold drinking water that is 100% pure too!
With over seven decades of experience, Blue Star – India’s leader in air conditioning and refrigeration solutions – has always been at the forefront of innovation and R&D, bringing you cuttting edge products and solutions that offer you more.
Already leaders in the storage water cooler market, Blue Star now brings you storage water coolers with inbuilt Aquaguard RO purification and filtration processes that not only supply non-stop cold water but also ensure its purity for safe consumption.
Impure drinking water is one of the main sources of infection, even mild poisoning, in many cases. Hence, it is important to inbuild purification processes in the water cooler. That is why these Blue Star Water Coolers incorporate everything that is required – reliable cooling systems, RO purification and contaminant filtration – all within the same housing, integrating the systems together for seamless, efficient operation. They are therefore comprehensive and compact solutions for safe, clean and cold drinking water.
The Blue Star range of storage water coolers with inbuilt Aquaguard is also designed for faster cooling and with larger storage tanks, to cater to high-volume requirements in schools, colleges, corporates, factories, hospitals, and public spaces such as railway stations, airports, pilgrim centres and petrol stations.
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